Free Membership

  • Send out short case studies to members and invite contribution to solutions
  • Invite persons to submit short case studies for the movement (create regular campaigns)
  • Links to related organizations
  • Free Infographics
  • Free interviews with experts
  • Suggestions for building the movement
  • Access to discussion board with other professionals working on similar culture issues

Paid Membership

  • All of the benefits of the FREE membership (left) PLUS:
  • Developmental Tools
  1. interview experts about culture – use some of the case studies.
  2. tools form and other resources
  3. IFB Trainings
  • Invite members of your team to join…. create team discussions for brainstorming cultural change.
  • Brainstorming about global cultural challenges

Wherever you go, there is culture.

Wherever you go you are immersed in culture.  More and more it is becoming apparent how cultures impact the people who create them and vice versa.  Therefore, now more than ever, deliberate cultural design is becoming eternally vital.

Operation Cultural Liberation seeks to emancipate cultures, allowing the persons within them to be freed.

Operation Cultural Liberation is about redefining your culture, whether you belong to a small team or a large organization, this movement is designed to help you:

  1. Start a conversation about your culture
  2. Take radical, peaceful action
  3. It is an inside out movement, focusing you on internal transformation before you seek to impact your environment

Does Your culture need liberation?

Operation Cultural Liberation is about educating and raising awareness about culture that is likely to bring about positive, peaceful results.  This movement respects the unique attributes of each culture.

Operation Cultural Liberation is an inclusive organization where members can contribute to the movement, taking it into powerfully innovative and collaborative directions.

Operation Cultural Liberation is about transformation. Our members are capable of being the change we would like to see.


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